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Will I not get full funding if there is a study gap?
First of all, nothing in this world is an obstacle for full funding. Be it low CGPA, be it no research experience, be it big study gap. But low GRE-IELTS score is a hindrance in this case. This GRE-IELTS score is the cornerstone of full funding. As you read in your childhood that anything that touches sandalwood turns to gold, good GRE-IELTS score in this full funding application will solve your low CG, your zero experience in research, study gap. Let me give you a sense of how the admission committee actually sees these scores.
tell you you
Know that if you want to get a job in USA, you will need a degree from any university in USA, besides, you will not be able to enter the corporate world of USA. Because it’s an open secret that people from most of the institutions in the USA to most of the companies, government sector etc. think that the USA degrees are quality, that’s for sure. They are not sure about the rest of the countries. They think it may or may not be qualitative. Now the question is why I said this. See your full fund but it will be through one job, be it T A or A.
And so on. Now have you taken any degree in USA standard in your life? did not take Tested to a USA standard. did not give But the GRE test is your chance to measure your aptitude to USA standards. This exam is conducted by a USA organization called ETS. Now a good score in this test means they assume you have USA Standard A quality and they can accept you. So if you have a good GRE score overall then you write in your SOP that I can’t do it because of this. It happened because I thought about it. In that case your.
In that case, your words will not seem like an excuse to them. Because you have proven yourself to their standards with GRE scores. So if you have steady gap, or low CG, or no research experience then you have place to match yourself GRE score RIELTS score. You are proving with GRE score that you will work with RIELTS score proving that you can communicate in English. You will then be able to overcome your hurdles to full funding. Then your study gap will not have any effect on your full funding admission.